The Cinderella Solution Review – Is This Ritual & Tea Recipe Scam or Not?

Every woman needs Cinderella Solution to combat major metabolism decrease that takes place after puberty. According to some new studies, women undergo a major hormonal transition between the period of puberty and menopause, which makes losing weight and maintaining a healthy figure difficult, as it decreases metabolism. This program will teach you how you can boost your metabolism by reactivating your female fat loss code, which will enable you to get rid of excess weight. And if you are worried that this solution is a fad diet or some programs for weight loss like ancient chants or fancy cream, it isn’t. You don’t have to restrict your diet, run on a treadmill, or count calories to all extremes when you use this system. Instead, this whole system is completely natural and safe, and it’s focused on getting specific nutrition and exercises into your day-to-day activities that will help in reactivating your metabolism. Here is what to expect from this program in you are interested in a Cinderella Solution. [backc url=’’]

Cinderella Solution – What It Is?

It’s time to let go of pills for weight loss, fancy creams, expensive fad diets, and invasive surgeries. They are not reliable, and you won’t achieve the results you are expecting.

Cinderella Solution is an online system for weight loss that comprises of four phases. This system is specially designed for women above 25 years, and it is based on recent research showing how female metabolism diminishes as a result of hormonal transition between puberty and menopause, which makes it almost impossible to maintain a healthy shape or lose weight. All through the system, you will be taught a unique ritual that involves two steps (a proper diet and specific series of exercises) that will reactivate your metabolism and assist you in losing weight efficiently. This system is not a system that counts calories or follow a strict diet, so you have nothing to worry about. Everything in this system is 100% natural and safe, plausible and realistic for every lady out there. Cinderella Solution only demands that you do some particular exercises and incorporate certain nutrition into your routine to help reactivate your metabolism. It’s very simple. You don’t need to do any hard work as they have been done on your behalf. All you need to do is follow the meal plan, prepare the recipes, perform the exercises, and finish the 14-day plan given to you.

I will provide you more information about this system, but before we proceed, here is what you will get when you start.

  • Main Manual.
  • Quick Start Guide.
  • Recipe Playbook.
  • Guilt-free Dessert Guide.
  • Video Exercise Guide (comprises of all exercises in the program).

You will find the four phases of the program in the main manual, which will work you through:

  • Part 1: Explanation of the Program.
  • Part 2: Applying the ‘Daily Nutrition Blueprint Book’.
  • Part 3: Applying the Movement-Sequencing Exercise Guide.
  • Part 4: Top Ten Flavor Pairs and Weight Loss Combinations.

You can see that this system addresses your physical activity and diet, which is very important since an effective and sustainable weight loss plan combines both exercise and diet.

How do you get access to this system? Simple, you will be given instant access when you make a purchase. Then you will have access to the customer page, where you can download the content on your device, laptop, desktop, tablet or smartphone. You can also access the program online if you do not want to download it. However, I advise that you download the program on your device as it provides you with all you need to enhance your metabolism and also prevent the side effects of hormonal transition anytime and anywhere. Downloading this program on your device also gives you access to this system at your leisure, modify your workout location, and you don’t need to visit the grocery store just to realize that you did not write down the things to need to prepare the recipes. Everything becomes easier and more convenient when you have this system in digital format.

In addition, this system comes with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. Thus, you can give this program a try if you are not confident that doing specific exercises and eating the right diet will enhance your metabolism.

Cinderella Solution – Who Is The Author Of This System?

The brain behind this system is Carly Donovan. Her name may sound strange to you, which is a good thing. This program differs from other programs that claim to improve your metabolism and encourage weight loss as the author of this program exists – Carly Donovan is real, the person or the name is not fake. She also knows how to relate with people, according to her, “I am not a self-proclaimed guru or a TV doctor, and I don’t work for anyone beside ladies like you who I want to help achieve their goals. The lady you see in the mirror used to be me…. This story is all about me and this solution is for you.”

Cinderella Solution Overview

This solution is a weight loss system designed for women by a woman. It is a comprehensive online system for weight loss that comprises of four phases designed to help you understand how hormonal transition negatively affects metabolism in women from puberty to menopause. The program then provides specific exercises, nutritional guide, meal plans, recipes, and steps that will help you implement what you have learned.

You can go through the table of contents to have a glance at what I’m talking about. There, you will know that the whole program is comprehensive, valuable, realistic, sustainable and easy-to-follow.


As long as you are a woman and you want to counter the effects of hormonal changes that different studies have shown to diminish metabolism in women, you need Cinderella Solution. This comprehensive and easy-to-follow guide will teach you how you can lose weight by doing specific exercise and following proper nutrition, without spending hours at the gym or restricting your diet. The program is designed mainly for women like you and me; and if you are worried that this program is not for you, that’s not a problem as Cinderella Solution comes with a 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee. Thus, the only thing you have to lose is excess weight or unwanted fat – not your money.

The 1 Week Diet Review – Does This Weight Loss Program By Brian Flatt Really Work?

Research Shows that This Simple 1 Week Diet Plan Burns 7 to 10 Pounds of Fat.

Overweight people are as much as 1,200% more likely to develop diabetes. Excess body fat is a ticking bomb ready to blow your life into pieces. Not worried about diabetes?  Okay, here’s what else fat has been proven to do:

  • Chronic pain in your head, back and joints – Day after day you feel miserable with no end in sight.
  • Always feeling tired and lacking energy… you slog through your day and then find that you don’t sleep worth a damn at the end of it!
  • Dramatic risk of heart disease, cancer and stroke constantly stalks you.
  • Risk of depression and even brain diseases like Alzheimer’s… enough said.

I know it’s hard to break the cycle.  In fact, I know why it’s hard – and the truth is that it’s not really your fault.

See, I dealt with a weight problem for years…

Hell, I was 40 pounds overweight, and for a woman of 5 foot 5, that’s pretty much obese! I used to hate the looks I’d get… like I was doing something wrong just by being fat and doing it around them! People looked down on me and figured I was just lazy and didn’t care about how I looked…

In truth, I was actually trying all kinds of stuff to drop the weight.  It’s a lot tougher than most people know… and that’s because most people don’t know how the body actually works and how to get the body to burn rather than store fat.

I tried diets, fasts, fad workouts and nothing really helped.  I’d lose a few pounds but never really seemed to look better or feel better, for that matter.  Even when I ate organic healthy foods, it didn’t seems to do anything for me long term.

And did I put the runners on and hit the streets?  Sure did – and as it turns out, this was actually hurting me rather than helping! I just felt awful, physically and mentally… I was ready to give up until I saw an ad on a Facebook group I was part of.

This guy Brian Flatt was hosting a free weight loss seminar at the gym I belonged to.  I’d heard of him before, although I didn’t really know much.  It was free, so I figured what did I have to lose?

Brian’s talk really opened my eyes and opened a door to a better life for me… and the shocking part was that the true way to lose weight is simpler than you might think…

It’s all about using your body’s own bio-chemistry.  See, the body does 2 things very efficiently… Your body converts fats, sugars, proteins and carbohydrates to body fat… and your body converts body fat into energy by burning it away!

If you’re anything like me… and every other human being on the planet, then the first thing is easy. The surprising thing is that your body is really just as good at burning fat away as it is at storing it… under the right conditions.

The trouble is that most of our bodies spend 5 times as long creating fat as they do burning it.  Think about that – 20 hours of each day storing fat cells and only 4 burning them away… Not a good radio, right? We’re supposed to balance these two things out, but modern life has made that next to impossible.

Brian not only educated us, he asked for volunteers to try out his new 1 Week Diet program – a slimmed down version of his other successful 3 Week and 2 Week Diet systems.

He said that if I did exactly what he said, I could lose 7 to 10 pounds in that week, and here’s how:

  • To start, Brian showed me how to flush my body out and make way for the good stuff that was going to help me burn fat.
  • Then he showed me how to triple my fat burning timeframe from 4 to 12 hours a day and I watched as the weight dropped off every single day!

I look and feel great now.  I dropped 40 pounds overall, narrowly missing the onrushing diabetes train and heart disease which was threatening me.  My depression went away and I even met my new husband shortly afterward!

Brian literally saved my life!

1 week, 1 simple step by step program and up to 10 pounds!

No starvation, no crazy foods, no hours in the gym and no gruelling cardio – just simple science based on ancient wisdom…

  • Debbie Hayes

Hey, Brian Flatt here,

Debbie is one of my most heart-warming success stories.  She’s living proof that you really can change your bio-chemistry and kick up your metabolism safely and effectively without a huge investment in money or time.

My 1 Week Diet is not just based on other things I’ve done, but ironically, an experience by my still healthy 94 year old grandfather.  Graham Flatt was a pilot in WW2 and after a near fatal crash, was nursed back to health by a kind family living in Okinawa.

Their robust health and longevity secrets were passed on to granddad and they’re contained in The 1 Week Diet.  Based on ancient Japanese wisdom and backed by proven science. (Who wouldn’t be excited about losing one pound a day?)

The 1 Week Diet program is very simple.  Yet it’s the ramped up metabolism that burns fat for half the day that really gets people excited.  I’ve seen some folks lose as much as 3 pounds in 1 day! Yes, that’s actually happening!

Now you can’t do that every day, it’s not healthy.  But that kind of initial burst is a great motivator, wouldn’t you say? Losing Weight Is freedom… its freedom from disease… its freedom from those condescending looks… its freedom to enjoy life to the fullest.

For Debbie, it was more than just looking sexier in her bride’s maid’s dress. It was like getting her sight back after years of blindness.  It was like waking up from a nightmare and realizing that her good dreams were starting to come true instead. She had the energy to play with her kids, the confidence to land a great new relationship and the positive outlook to face life with hope and happiness. Her depression was gone, her aches and pains a thing of the past and she wakes up every morning feeling refreshed and vibrant!

Debbie and I and the thousands of others who have tried The 1 Week Diet want you to join our family. We want you to experience the amazing transformation of losing 7 to 10 pounds in a single week. We want you to realize that despite any failures you’ve ever had in your weight loss journey that you truly can turn the tables and get where you want to be.

It doesn’t take months, and it doesn’t take a huge chunk of money, either. No weird foods, no starvation, no drugs or pills, no hours in the weight room and no endless running. Just a simple way to naturally and safely turn your body into a fat burning machine – the way that it was designed to work in the first place! You can’t afford not to take a look.

Click this link and watch the free video on The 1 Week Diet and see how it works and why I believe so strongly in this program. I’m not out to make a bundle off of you.  I do charge a small fee for the system so that I can support my website and help me to get the word out.

And hey, if you try The 1 Week Diet and don’t lose 7 to 10 pounds of fat in the first week… if you don’t think it’s for you, you have 60 days to tell me you’ve changed your mind and I’ll give you 100% of your money back. You’ve got nothing to lose except years of stubborn body fat – so click this link and check it out for yourself!